Hi everybody!
This is a review post for a friend who has a new book out. I volunteered to spread the word because Sandra has such a beautiful way with a story. This sweet book is one of those that will keep you company on a rainy afternoon.
I like a little edge to my stories. I like some history. I like the characters to have REAL issues, not just dealing with wacky parents or a job they don't like or the fact they can't bake a good cake. (Oh, I thin I just described my own books, haha!) Anyway, this is a beautiful story that is relevant today, even thought it was written in the 80's.
Newly released and ready for you to enjoy, this is one you don't want to miss. A real story for real people, with real love involved. We're not talking fluff. We're talking PTSD, family tragedies, war, and having the guts to work toward healing.
But then it had the romance I expected from the cover. I'm romance fan and I'm proud to stand up an shout it to the world... and then I promptly sit down to read another book. Anyway, this couple wasn't contrived. This love grew from a true meeting of minds and hearts.
Definitely a keeper... AND a re-reader. :)
I reviewed a complimentary review copy in exchange for posting my honest opinion of the book for the blog tour.
Enjoy! And I'll see you all in a little bit